After it, enter a username for your local account and click on the Next.Click on the Sign in with a local account instead.Go to the Settings app and then navigate to the Accounts section -> Your info tab.If you want to fix this issue temporarily then you may switch to a Local User Account until you get rid of the “Your pc is offline please enter the last password you used on this computer” error. Your device is offline please enter the last password Windows 10.please sign in with the last password used on this PC Windows 8 Your device is offline please sign in with the last password used on this device Windows 8.Your PC is offline please enter the last password.Please sign in with the last password Windows 10 Windows 8 your PC is offline please sign in with the last password.Some Common Scenarios of the Problem are: It is suggested to fix this issue as soon as possible in order to avoid any other types of problem. Now, coming to the point How to fix “Your PC is offline” error message? This error message will appear even if your system has been worked correctly only a few minutes back.