If you delete this data, chances are Google Play services will just recreate it, although 3.9 GB is really much (mine only use 300 MB). Data used by Play services is mostly cached data for these APIs, duplicated data of Android wear apps synched with your phone and some kind of search index. The transfer includes playlists, songs, albums, likes, upload purchases, and billing information. Google Play services offers APIs to other apps. They will be redirected to YouTube Music, where the transfer will take place. Users can visit or the Android or iOS app to see a Transfer to YouTube prompt. The data will be deleted on February 24 and there will be no way to recover it. This data includes the music library with uploads, purchases, and anything that has been purchased from Google Play Music.
Google has started emailing users to inform them that all of their Google Play Music data will be deleted on February 24, 2021, as per the 9to5Google report. Google is urging users to transfer to its other music streaming service YouTube Music before the aforementioned date. According to a report by 9to5Google, users have until February 24, 2021, to download, transfer, or delete their data from Google Play Music, after which it will all be wiped out. The music-streaming platform officially stopped working for users in December 2020. Google Play Music has shut down, but it is still possible to download the library or transfer to YouTube Music.